Training Call 5

Spoken Word – Attention and Flow

During this week we will focus on resources, attention, flow, and naming our internal (interoceptive) experiences.

Prep for Training Call 5

  • Visit the Forum for your weekly prompt
  • Review Handout 4 and prepare.
Training Call 5 Recordings:

Watch The Replay – Speaker View. Password is ‘BETA’

Watch The Replay – Gallery. Password is ‘BETA’

Audio Only Version



Training Call #2 Building Capacity + Somatic “First Aid”
Irene referenced the connection with this training call from SBSM and the discussions around resourcing today. Specifically the concepts of “The 4’s When’s.

How to tame a tantrum – Storytime with Irene Lyon
Irene referenced this old vlog she did around helping a little boy in Rome who was having a difficult time.

Download and print Handout 4
Download Handout